Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Month of Mary - Last Day

The Story:

Among the vast number of servants of Mary, St. Alphonsus Liguori was one of the most noteworthy. From his childhood he practiced virtue and devotion. Endowed with splendid mental faculties he became a counsellor-at-law; but fearing that he would become guilty of injustice, he resolved to serve only God and his church. He became a priest, afterward bishop and the founder of the congregation of the most holy Redeemer. He devoted himself to the mission, in which by his powerful sermons, devout prayer and touching example he converted many sinners. His love to Jesus is expressed in his book: Visits to the Most Blessed Sacrament: his love to Mary is revealed in the work entitled: The Glories of Mary. He served God in the work for the salvation of his fellow-men, he served Mary by many devotions, rosary and filial confidence perseveringly until his death in the year 1787.

The Prayer:

O holy Mother Mary! pray for me, thy unworthy child, that I may never act contrary to God's holy will, that I may practice only virtues and persevere unto my end, so that I may be glorified hereafter and obtain the crown of eternal life. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Month of Mary - 30th Day

The Story:

  In early youth St. Hyacinth revealed particular love to virtue. He walked constantly in the presence of God and in the least temptation would say to himself: "Do no offend the eye of God who sees all men." With charity to God he united true charity to his neighbor, for in him all needy found sympathy and compassion and, as far as possible, also help. Besides these virtues he cherished a filial love to Mary, the blessed Mother of God. When his labors since his entrance into a Dominican monastery would permit, he prayed almost day and night in a church of the blessed Lady; all his labors he recommended to the Mother of God and being blessed and assisted by her he wrought much good, yea, he even performed miracles; on all vigils of the feasts of Mary he fasted, taking but bread and water; but especially did he endeavor to follow Mary's example in virtues. Thus he lived to the age of seventy-four years, entertaining but one wish, namely to die on the feast of the Assumption of Mary, which was granted him in the year 1257.

The Prayer:

We daily beg of thee, O good Mother, to assist us in the hour of death. Grant that our words are not recited by lips only, but that we feel the importance thereof, when we say: Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us, sinners, now and in the hour of our death. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 

Monday, May 29, 2017

Month of Mary - 29th Day

The Story:

If we seek the divine light of the Holy Ghost through Mary, we shall find it. The renowned Dominican, St. Albert the Great, was ardently attached to Mary. He was very pious, but almost despaired when studying, and intended to leave the monastery. Mary appeared to him in his sleep, asking him what he was about to do. He replied: "Ah, all my fellow students study easily; I alone am so troubled; all my efforts to study are useless; I am the object of laughter for all." The blessed Lady answered: "Be of good cheer; thou shalt excel in all sciences; but that you may not forget, that it is not owing to thy diligence and intellect, but to my intercession, know that shortly before thy death, all thy knowledge shall leave thee." And thus it happened three years before his holy death.

The Prayer:

Teach me, holy Mary, full of grace, to pray incessantly for this good spirit, that I may not be overpowered by the spirit of worldliness, and follow the ways leading to perdition. Grant, by thy intercession, that I may lead a life according to the dictates of my faith, and be thus enabled to praise the Triune God in heaven forever. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Month of Mary - 28th Day

The Story:

No human tongue is able to describe perfectly the virtues of St. Aloysius Gonzaga. He was born of noble parents and brought up by a very devout Mother. She, being a zealous servant of Mary, kept her son Aloysius in the same service. And how did he comply with the wish of his mother? Beginning in his childhood he practiced a special devotion to Mary. He recited the Rosary with zeal; also the Little Office. But especially did he endeavor to follow Mary's example in virtues; and so well did he succeed that he committed but two trifling faults in his life. His purity was so great that he was justly called the Angel in human flesh. He entered the Society of Jesus. There he became a model for all. When pestilence had broken out in Italy, he waited upon the sick, and he himself became infected. To his provincial who visited him, he said: "Father, I go hence." He asked: "Whither?" And Aloysius replied with joy: "Into my true home, into heaven." Thus he died.

The Prayer:

O holy Mother of my heavenly King, direct thou my thoughts to heaven. Obtain for me from thy royal Son the grace, that I tear my heart and should from everything terrestrial, and cleave to things eternal, that thus I may become worthy to enter the everlasting glories of heaven. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Month of Mary - 27th Day

The Story:

When the holy martyr, St. Margaret was brought before the tribunal, the enraged prefect called upon her: "How can greater nonsense be thought of, than to consider as God a man, who had been crucified?" The virgin asked: "Whence dost thou know that Christ was crucified?" He replied; "Your own writings teach it." - "Well, then," Margaret answered, "the same books speak not only of the Passion of Christ, but also of His resurrection and glorification; how little you pause to believe the one and to deny the other? Not for the reason, that He suffered, that He died, do we believe; no! But He is risen. He has thus proved to us the power of His Divinity, and therefore we believe Him and praise His name and give our lives for His doctrines." With this profession upon her lips she was put to death.

The Prayer:

How great will be our joy, O blessed mother of our glorious Redeemer, when we also shall see Him, face to face, after this earthly life in His heavenly glory? Obtain thou for us the grace that we may bear temporal sufferings, die a happy death and enter into life everlasting. Amen. 

Pray Your Rosary 

Friday, May 26, 2017

Month of Mary - 26th Day


The Story:

St. John, Gaulbert, following the profession of arms at a very troubled period, became involved in a blood-feud with a near relative. On Good Friday he met his enemy at a place, where neither could avoid the other. John would have slain his enemy, who was unarmed; but he falling upon his knees implored John for the sake of our Lord's Passion to pardon Him. Grace triumphed in John who replied: "I cannot refuse what you ask in Christ's name. I grant you your life, and I give you my friendship. Pray that God may forgive me my sin. John retired to a monastery, led a penitential and holy life, and died a Saint.

The Prayer:

O My God, relying on Thy infinite goodness and promises, I hope to obtain the pardon of my sins, the assistance of Thy grace, and life everlasting; through the merits of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Month of Mary - 25th Day

  The Story:

St. Helen was born and brought up by heathen parents. She became the wife of the Emperor Constantine, who rejected her after his throne ascension. Having respected the Christians at all time and being now rejected she sought consolation in the religion of the cross. She received holy baptism after her renowned son had gained, by the sign of the cross, a glorious victory. Though advanced in years she possessed a youthful, fiery zeal in the practice of devotion and good works. For a long time she entertained the desire of visiting the holy places; she sought and found the cross, upon which the blessed Saviour had died; she and her pious son had a beautiful church erected over the sepulchre of Christ; she had one built in memory of the Annunciation at Nazareth. For this love to Jesus and Mary and for her veneration of the holy cross and the holy places, she was rewarded by the queen of heaven with the greatest grace - a holy life and a holy death in the year 326.

The Prayer:

Obtain by thy intercession, O afflicted mother Mary, for me the grace of following Jesus by carrying my cross, which God is pleased to send me, to the end of my life in a patient and penitential manner, that following my Saviour now I may dwell with Him hereafter in heaven. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Month of Mary - 24th Day

  The Story:

St. Catherine of Sienna was once very much dejected at a false report spread abroad about her, when the divine Saviour appeared to her, holding in his right hand a golden crown adorned with jewels, and in the left a crown of thorns and said "Beloved daughter! It is necessary that you be crowned at different times with both these crowns. Choose one of the both; but look to it, whether thou wilt be crowned in this present life with the crown of thorns, and in the next life with the golden crown." The holy virgin replied: "Lord, I have denied my will long ago, and therefore will only, what Thou wilt. . . . But yet, if Thou wilt that I answer I confess earnestly that in this life I always choose to be like and conformable to Thy sacred passion." Having said this she took the crown of thorns out of the hands of the Saviour, and pressed it with such force upon her head, that for a long time she felt the pains caused by the thorns.

The Prayer:

How would we dare to complain, O Mother of sorrows, at the thorny path of sufferings in this life, since thy divine Son was so cruelly tortured by the crown of thorns! We have deserved it by our sins of thought and pride. Assist us to bear all patiently and in a penitential spirit. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Month of Mary - 23rd Day

  The Story:

In her tenth year St. Bridget was once moved most intensely, whilst listening to a sermon upon the Passion of Christ. In the following night she believed to see Jesus, His whole body lacerated by the scourges and entirely covered by wounds. At the same time she thought that she heard a voice saying to her: "Daughter! look upon my wounds!" The good child became frightened and asked: "Ah! who has ill-treated Thee in such a manner?" And the voice replied: "Not only the Jews have done this; all those do the same, who despise my love."- The impression left by this mysterious dream in her heart, could never be removed; and from that time forward the Passion had become the subject of her frequent and very earnest meditations, at which she could not refrain from tears. Of her devotion and love to Mary, the Mother of God, no description could be given. Not for a single moment of her life did she leave this devotion. Hence she was favored frequently by the blessed Mother of God with revelations. Thus she lived until her holy death.

The Prayer:

O Holy Mother Mary! pray for me, thy unworthy child, that I may never act contrary to God's Holy Will, that I may practice only virtues and persevere unto my end, so that I may be glorified hereafter and obtain the crown of eternal life. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 

Monday, May 22, 2017

Month of Mary - 22nd Day

The Story:

St. Paul of the Cross received a careful training from his devout mother, so that he afterwards admitted: "If I am saved, I owe it in many ways to my mother." When he grew up to be a young man he resolved to work zealously for the salvation of man. He therefore founded on order, which by preaching the bitter Passion of our Lord and of His afflicted Mother, should lead sinners to penance and conversion. This bitter Passion he made the subject of frequent and particular meditation, so that he wrought then indescribable good by word and by example. He also venerated Mary, the Mother of sorrows, most tenderly. Even in the severest sickness he did not neglect to recite the rosary, always saying: "I wish to say the rosary, as long as I can." The feasts of Mary he celebrated with pleasure; the sorrows of Mary were often the subject of his public speech. Thus he lived as a servant of the suffering Redeemer of His afflicted Mother, and died in the year 1775.

The Prayer:

O Mary, how sorrow-stricken was thy maternal heart, when thou didst leave thy beloved Son upon His way to cruel suffering and death! By this thy affliction and by thy intercession obtain for me the grace of patience of resignation unto the will of my heavenly Father in all my sufferings until the hour of my death. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Month of Mary - 21st Day

The Story:

St. Pelagia, an actress of Antioch, led a very extravagant, sinful life, although she had been enrolled among those preparing for baptism. At the time when she lived such a scandalous life in that populous city, a council was held. During the sermon Pelagia glittering with gold and jewels passed by. The bishops turned away their faces, whilst St. Nonnus fixed his eyes upon her and said: "God according to His infinite mercy will grant mercy to that woman, the work of His hands." She was touched at these words and shed plentiful tears. She wrote a letter to St. Nonnus, who granted her request. In the presence of the bishops she was baptized. Immediately thereupon she divided her jewels and riches among the poor, took the veil and went to Mount Olivet, where she buried herself, as it were, in a cave, and bewailed her sins with most bitter tears. Often she was tempted most severely; but having recourse to Mary, the ever-blessed Virgin, she nevermore lost Jesus by sin until her penitential, holy death.

The Prayer:

O holy Mother Mary, receive me under thy protection, as thou didst thy divine Son. Often have I lost Him by sin; assist me in finding Him again. Often have I disobeyed His holy commandments but obtain thou for me the virtue of obedience, that I nevermore lose Him on earth, and be with Him forever in heaven. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 

Friday, May 19, 2017

Month of Mary - 20th Day


The Story:

  St. Gertrude was accustomed to meditate upon the mysteries of the life and death of Jesus and His dear Mother Mary. On a certain Candlemasday she joyful in the Lord, said at the first tap of the bell: "My heart and soul salute Thee, O most amiable Saviour; at the sound of this bell, which announces to us on this day the feast of thy most blessed Mother." And Jesus replied: "At this same sound of the bell my sincerest kindness knocks at the gate of my divine mercy, in order to obtain pardon for all your sins." "When St. Gertrude complained that on account of ill-health she could not celebrate the feast in the choir, the Lord led her in spirit into a beautiful temple. There she beheld all the events of this mystery and those connected with it. At the close she noticed, how Jesus gave His Mother to understand that He would grant all her petitions. Therefore, Gertrude always manifested special confidence in Mary.

The Prayer:

O Mary, thou didst enter the temple as a joyful Mother; thou hast left it after Simeon's prophecy as a sorrowful Mother. Assist me to thank God joyfully for all blessings received, to obey His holy commands and to make a sacrifice of my own will to Him. Help me to bear all grief, sorrow and afflictions that may accompany me through this life, that hereafter I may enjoy heaven forever. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 

Month of Mary - 19th Day

The Story:

St. Francis of Assisi was a zealous servant of Jesus and Mary. He endeavoured principally to acquire their virtues. As Jesus already at His birth manifested the virtue of love and poverty, Francis followed His example. He distributed all his property among the poor through love of God. To increase his love of poverty he reflected upon nothing more than upon the poor, helpless Infant and His Mother in the stable at Bethlehem. This Divine Infant became poor for our sake, and Mary, His loving Mother, shared with Him this pressing poverty. Then meditating thus, and especially on the feast of the nativity of Jesus, streams of tears would roll over his countenance. In order to encourage the people to a like meditation he, with the Pope's permission, erected a crib to symbolise the nativity of Jesus Christ. There he would preach with such fervour upon the love of this poor, divine Infant, as to move all his hearers to return this love. This custom of erecting a crib spread abroad and exists to the present time.

The Prayer:
O blessed and already suffering Mother of my Saviour, let me partake of thy joy and thy suffering. There at the crib help me to obtain the grace to bear poverty, affliction and sufferings patiently, to renounce this treacherous world and to despise its vanities. Teach me to be ever resigned to the will of God until my death. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Month of Mary - 18th Day

The Story:

St. Mary of Oignies loved prayer so much that she practised it even at night-time. Upon the wish of her parents she married; but by her constant prayer she obtained also for her husband the grace of living in virginal purity. Thereupon they devoted themselves to the care of the poor sick. In order to strengthen themselves against the scoff of mockery of the worldly-minded people, they meditated upon the bitter passion of Jesus Christ. Mary, moreover, was filled with the tenderest devotion to the blessed Virgin. She was accustomed to make two pilgrimages every year, and walked bare-footed over snow and ice in the severest winters without injuring herself. She recited many prayers in honour of the blessed Mother of God; she fasted austerely; she scourged herself and offered the sufferings to God and the blessed Virgin. But especially did she love to visit the sick, as did the blessed Virgin to Elizabeth. She often sang the Magnificat in honour of the Mother of God. It was her last song before her death in the year 1213.

The Prayer:

Change my proud heart, O blessed Virgin Mary, by thy powerful intercession that I may become humble, grateful to God and eager to serve my fellow-men. Obtain also for me a better will of assisting, especially those who are in need of help, through love of God, so that thus I may perform the will of God and receive an eternal reward. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 

Month of Mary - 17th Day

The Story:

Blessed Jane of France, daughter of King Louis XI., often read the narration of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ with profound reverence, and only amid tears did she close the sacred Scriptures as often, as she had read and meditated upon it.  At the same time she was drawn so forcibly by the sublime virtues which Mary, the ever-blessed Virgin, manifested at the salutation of the Angel, that she founded an order under the title of the Annunciation, which confirmed by several Popes spread with great approbation and blessing. The rules of the order were founded principally upon the virtues of the holy Mother of God, namely: constant faith, firm hope, ardent love, angelic purity, profound humility, punctual obedience, glowing devotion and piety, and Christian prudence. Jane herself gave the most beautiful example of these virtues to her sisters in religion. Therefore she was also favoured by special graces from Jesus and Mary, whose zealous venerator she was until death in the year 1504.

The Prayer:

Replenish us, O holy Mother of God, with the liveliest sentiments of gratitude for the coming and incarnation of Jesus Christ. Daily will I recite the Angelic salutation with the greatest devotion; assist thou me to draw from thence the grace of always making one step farther in the devotion of thy spirit and in the humility of thy heart that I may love ever more the mystery of the incarnation. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Month of Mary - 16th Day

The Story:

St. Mary Magdalen of Pazzi frequently entered into a kind of ecstasy when meditating upon the love of God, expressed principally in the work of redemption, and seized by the flame of heavenly love she exclaimed: "O God of love! O God of love! The love which Thou, my Jesus, bearest to men, is exceedingly great." Then she would turn to her sisters in religion and say: "Do you not know, dear sisters, that my Jesus is nothing else but love? O, that the whole world would hear my voice, so that the love of Jesus would be known and loved by all." She was also a great venerator of Mary, "the Mother of beautiful love." The convent in which she lived was, to her great delight under the protection of the blessed Mother of God. When she was to make her vows, she was sick. She had her sisters carry her to the altar of Mary, and there in sight of the Queen of heaven and amid many tears she consecrated herself entirely to her Saviour Jesus by the solemn vows. She lived fifty-two years in the most zealous service of God and His holy Mother.

The Prayer:

O sacred heart of Mary, impart to my cold heart a few sparks of thy ardent love, that like thee I may love God above all and my neighbor as myself; that I may seek nothing but the fullfillment of His holy will, and, like thee, be ready to make every sacrifice that this love may demand of me. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 

Month of Mary - 15th Day

The Story:

St. Rose of Lima was, like her mother, naturally very timid. Having on one occasion remained very late at prayer in a little chapel, which she herself had erected in honor of Mary, the ever-blessed Virgin, her anxious mother sought her, but only in company of her husband. On the way home Rose thought to herself: 'How is this? My mother, so timid, does not fear to seek me, when accompanied by my father. And yet his protection is feeble. Should I then fear, since my God is everywhere with me?' Though she never feared anything when at prayer, she was very timid at all other times, until that evening when reflecting, as stated before. Since then all fear left her. For this, too, was she grateful to God, who had infused this hope of His protection into her heart. Nor did she fail to venerate Mary, who is called "our hope." The little chapel had become her second home; there she adored with all the warmth of her heart her Saviour; there she venerated Mary with all possible zeal. She died in the year 1617.

The Prayer:

O sacred heart of Mary, full of hope; obtain for my poor heart firm, immovable confidence, that in all dangers of body and soul I cast myself into the arms of my God; that I walk tranquilly and trustingly like a child at the hand of my heavenly Father, through all adversities of life, and that in my prayers I may never doubt; but full of hope leave all to His Divine pleasure. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Month of Mary - 14th Day

The Story:

St. Bonaventure was a zealous venerator of Mary. Endowed by God with excellent talents and acute reason, he entered the order of St. Francis, according to a promise made by His mother, and there distinguished himself by his great learning. He studied only to increase God's glory and to propagate the faith in His beloved Son, Jesus Christ. His great faith manifested itself in his works; but all he drew from the fountain of the holy cross. However no one can believe in God without remembering His most holy Mother; so also Bonaventure. He chose Mary as his protectress; he introduced certain devotional exercises; he wrote beautiful words upon Mary's prerogatives and graces; he composed several hymns in her honor. Whilst his renown spread abroad, he lived as an humble and zealous servant of Jesus and Mary until his holy death, which occurred in the year 1274.

The Prayer:

I believe, O Mary;  but assist thou me in my belief. Great are the temptations against faith; help me. Teach me to think always of God, to walk in His presence, to die to my evil inclinations, and to live daily more in God and to seek nothing but His divine pleasure by faith and its works. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 

Month of Mary - 13th Day

The Story:

In the life of St. Andrew Avellino, we read that in his last hour, he had such a terrible struggle with Satan, that his brethren in religion trembled in fear. His countenance swelled and grew dark, his limbs trembled, with hands and feet he appeared to contend against the last assaults of hell. They increased their prayers, he looking meanwhile steadily upon an image of the blessed Mother of God. At last the struggle ended; his countenance brightened, and bowing to the image, he gave up his soul. "Thus also shalt thou die," remarks St. Alphonsus Liguori, . . . if thou hast served her (Mary) faithfully in life, and confidently invoked her help in the hour of death."

The Prayer:

In all my necessities I will fly to thee, O my dear Mother Mary, but especially in the misery of my sinful state; despise not my prayers, but by thy intercession and power deliver me from all evil; let me, poor sinner, approach and invoke thee now to assist me in my last moments. "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us, sinners, now and in the hour of our death." Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 

Friday, May 12, 2017

Month of Mary - 12 Day

The Story:

Of St. Bernard it may be said, that at baptism already love and devotion of the ever-blessed Virgin Mary was infused into his heart. With astonishment it was noticed, that joy caused him in his tenderest childhood to tremble when he beheld a picture of Mary, or heard her sweet name mentioned. As a young man St. Bernard found himself exposed to many dangers; therefore he entered a monastery. Here he manifested his love to the blessed Mother of God, which no pen is able to describe. He was the herald of the Queen of heaven, the most zealous announcer of her unfathomable beauty and sanctity, the inspired preacher of her incomprehensible prerogatives and excellent virtues, the most childlike venerator of Mary. His words seized powerfully the hearts of his co-temporaries and drew them gently to the love and veneration of Mary. In his whole life, devoted to the glory of God and the salvation of men, he never failed until his death in the year 1153 to propagate everywhere the veneration of Mary.

The Memorare by St. Bernard

Remember, O most merciful Virgin Mary, that it is unheard of, that any one flying to thee for protection, imploring thy help, or seeking thy intercession, was ever forsaken. Animated by this unerring confidence, I hasten to thee, Virgin of virgins; I fly to thee, O sweet Mother, a wretched sinner, I prostrate myself sighing at thy feet; despise not my prayer, O Mother of the Divine Word, but graciously hear and grant the same. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary